Future and travelling - Reisverslag uit Ceduna, Australië van Sven Sanders - WaarBenJij.nu Future and travelling - Reisverslag uit Ceduna, Australië van Sven Sanders - WaarBenJij.nu

Future and travelling

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Sven

21 Oktober 2017 | Australië, Ceduna

Last week's I've been working a few different jobs here in Australia. Painting, pushing wheel barrows, sheepfarming and picking Asparagus. Now we're waiting for our next job to start, which is doing casual work at a grain storage. I like to experience all these different jobs, get to know different people who tell us a lot about the country. It also gives time to reflect, doing a repetitive movement over and over again isn't going to take much mental capacity, so enough left to think, reflect and fantasise.
One of the main things I was thinking about is goals, the future. I noticed how focused I am on the future, even while travelling I'm still looking at courses, looking into schools and other educational programs just for what I'll become when I grow up. And in a logical way I know that I'm already succesful, I was perfect when I was born, didn't need to become anything more than what I was at that moment. But through the years something changed. I taught myself through some events, that I'm not good enough, not successful in the way I'm at this moment. There became a gap, a space between where I was standing and where I thought I should stand in order to be perfect. Goals, focus, determination where all elements that should get me back to that place of oneness, place of bliss, place of divinity. And even though I made huge steps in my self love and acceptance, I'm still looking into to future with a need to become something or someone to be more perfect. This was a beautiful inside which I can work with now. It made me reflect on myself and the Western society. I'm not saying it's bad to have goals and looking to the future, it's just that these goals not necessarily always come from my inner wisdom. They often are create by the illusion of not being perfect.

Writing about China I wrote a piece in my book which really reflected my vision on my travelling and what I got out of it, so I would love to share that with you:
People live in the cage where they've been placed. From 9 to 5 in the office, which becomes from 8 to 6. They'll never get that time back, but they exchange it for a few numbers on the bank. Things can be exchanged for these numbers. The amount of numbers is dependent on the demand. People live there whole life in order to change numbers for things. These things should make them happy, according to the advertisements made by other people with a simular 8 to 6 job. They've been specialised in manipulating the subconscious mind, so we don't even realise that all the stuff we're buying is just unnecessary.
Like with everything, from the inside this cycle can't be looked at, you need to take a hilcopter view. At max you'll see a glimpse from a much larger matrix. People who break out of it just escape the first layer, many people call it being awake. But it's just breaking out of the first layer. It's like the inception, a dream in a dream in a dream. I'm not different from anybody and I just realise how deep I'm in stuck in this matrix.. not even how deep, because I have no clue how many layers there might be.
It's like a grey mass who never saw color. How can you explain a blind person how something looks like. How to explain love and freedom if we don't know the definitions.
What if you realise on a certain day that everything that you've lived for is an illusion. That everything that you've fought for doesn't exist. That life is a 180 degrees from what you've learned. That it's not about accomplishing as much as possible, but to enjoy as much as possible.

Travelling for me is learning to understand colors, to hear shapes, smell the music, feel the love of existence and taste the freedom.
Travelling is to let go of everything I know and embrace the unknown!!

Namaste, have a beautiful day

  • 21 Oktober 2017 - 11:44


    Je slaat precies de spijker op zijn kop!
    Wat heb je dit mooi weten te verwoorden.
    Geniet van the unknown!


  • 21 Oktober 2017 - 16:39

    Stef En Karin:

    Je hebt er goed over nagedacht. Materie zegt allemaal niets als je verder een leeg leven hebt.
    Telkens weer krijg je het voor elkaar dat we even naar ons zelf en onze omgeving kijken.
    Succes met werken menneke. Geniet ervan, maaar eigenlijk hoeven we dat tegen jou niet te zeggen. Xxxx

  • 27 Oktober 2017 - 16:03

    Jeroen V:

    Lieve Sven,

    Mooi geschreven tekst, evenals mooie one liners! Altijd weer iets om over na de te denken :)

    Groet van Jeroen

Tags: Travel, Future, Matrix

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Verslag uit: Australië, Ceduna


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